Kindergarten Orientation Letter

Welcome to Kindergarten!


August 2022

Dear Families,

Whether you are new to Walter B. Howard Elementary or a returning family I want to welcome you to our school community. Your child’s kindergarten year sets the tone for his or her educational experience. We are excited to nurture, motivate, challenge, and guide your child throughout his or her kindergarten year and beyond. As partners in education, we will work together to support your child’s success. There are many opportunities to stay informed at Walter B. Howard Elementary.
You will receive regular communication from your child’s teacher, and updates on our district website, and you can find us on Facebook. I also encourage you to join our school PTA. If you have any questions, be sure to contact your child’s teacher or send me an email at Additionally, we send out emails and use telephone notifications for timely updates and emergencies.

To welcome you and your child to our school community we planned a brief kindergarten orientation on Tuesday, September 6th. You and your kindergartener will be able to ride the bus together to the open house and share that important milestone. This orientation will help prepare your child for the first day of kindergarten on Wednesday, September 7th.

The orientation will run from 9:30 am to 11:00 am. You and your child will be picked up by the school bus at your child’s regularly scheduled pick-up location. Once at school, we will have a brief welcome in our cafeteria, you and your child will then have an opportunity to explore their classroom and meet our kindergarten teachers. Please bring your child’s school supplies and change of clothes in a Ziplock baggie labeled with their name to the orientation. At 11:00 am you both will board the bus to be transported back home. The Transportation Department will soon be mailing your bus route information for the first day of school and for the orientation.

As part of the orientation, you and your kindergartener will hear from Mr. Noble, Mrs. Bove, and Mrs. deOliveira. You will learn about routines and procedures, and many other tidbits of information to help make your child’s transition successful.

I anticipate that you will find the kindergarten orientation to be an enjoyable and reassuring visit that will increase your kindergartener’s comfort during the important first few days of school. If you are driving your child to school each day, please review the attached drop-off and pick-up procedures.

We have enclosed a school supply list. If you have any questions or concerns, please call the elementary office, or send an email to
Enjoy the remaining days of summer, and I look forward to working with you and your child.

Joshua Noble
Elementary Principal