BNL Baseball Senior Night and Coach Recaps from  5/7 & 5/8

BNL Varsity Baseball vs Waterford 5/8

BNL  lost a tough one on Wednesday night to Waterford 13-9. Waterford started off hot taking a 10-2 lead after 5 innings. BNL mounted a major comeback in their final 2 at bats, getting close but not quite making the comeback complete. 

BNL was led by:  Kaleb Sweener hitting a 2 run homerun over the left field fence.  First out of the park homerun on the new field.  Hunter Hughes going 2-4 with 3 rbi.  Chase Maxon reached base all 4 times up 2 singles and 2 walks.

BNL Baseball vs Corinth Senior Night Recap 5/7

BNL lost a tough game on Tuesday night against Corinth 13-3. Corinth was led by D. Graham, S. Tangora, E. McGuire, and K. Wright each going 2-4 with 2 runs scored each. 

BNL was led by Kaleb Sweener with a run scoring triple and Jake Bosso with a steal of home. Jordan Harmon chipped in with a run scoring groundout. 

This was BNL’s Senior Night and we would like to thank all 3 seniors: Tyler Shuhart, Dylan Saviano, and Aidan Van Dyk. Thank you for your dedication, leadership, and consistent hard work which is a model for the program to build on. Our season turn around would have been possible without you 3. You all will be missed! -Coach Bonacquisti and Coach Starks

Please find the Senior Night speeches from Coach Bonacquisti and Coach Starks below.

Tyler Shuhart

We have had the wonderful opportunity to have Tyler on the varsity team for the past four years. The word Gamer comes to mind when thinking of Tyler. He has been a part of almost all of our wins in the four seasons he has been on the varsity team. Tyler has won or saved games throughout his time on our team and the younger players look up to him for the pitcher that he is. On a personal level, I have known Tyler since early elementary school and I am happy to see the strong-willed person that he has become. The future is bright for Tyler, whatever he decides to do. – Coach Starks

Tyler is what BNL baseball is all about. He has been a leader for our team, even when he was not the captain. Tyler is the best pitcher I have worked with at BNL. When he goes out on that mound I know he sets our team up for the best possible chance to win. This year Tyler has finished two of our wins with style and dominance. After the bases were loaded, in the top of a close game, Tyler came in and sat down three batters in a row. After allowing a few runners to make it to first base in our last win, Tyler picked off two in a row to end the game. Tyler is a gamer and is always looking for an edge to win. I have no doubt Tyler will carry that attitude and fire with him wherever he chooses to go and be that much more successful as a result. –Coach Bonacquisti 

Aidan Van Dyk

We have had the privilege of having Aidan on the varsity team for the past 3 seasons. The word tenacious comes to mind when thinking of Aidan. He will work harder than anyone so he can get better. He is a rock in the outfield, where at times makes the easy plays look simple and more difficult plays look easy.  – Coach Starks

Aidan – Silent killer – He’s like a ninja out there. One of the fastest kids we have on our team, most consistent hitter, and just a very nice young  man. Aidan is definitely not the loudest one we have, but he does have flares of leadership. He doubts himself at times, but he shouldn’t. He is a great team player and always holds up his end of the bargain by doing his part. Aidan will be a vital component to any vocational team he pursues in his future.  –Coach Bonacquisti 

Dylan Saviano

We have had the good fortune to have Dylan on the varsity team for the past three years. The word leader comes to mind when thinking of Dylan. Not just any leader, one of the best leaders we have had in a long time on the team. He is always talking to the younger players, giving out advice, and despite being away from the team, reached out and gave words of encouragement. On a personal note, I have known Dylan since his days in elementary school and I could not be happier to see the driven leader he has become. The future is going to be a successful one, no matter what Dylan decides to do. – Coach Starks

Dylan – Leader, Dylan is the kind of person you want to take charge. He’s got the right kind of charisma, where people listen to him, not because he commands their respect, but because it’s obvious that he wants to win and knows he has to bring others up to where he wants to go. Dylan has never slacked on the field. I have never once heard him say or seen his body language say I’m tired” or “can someone else do this for me”. Dylan is the person I want in the batter’s box when we need a hit, he is the player I want in the field to make the play when we NEED one. I have no doubt Dylan will also carry these traits into the adult world and be very successful with whatever he chooses.  –Coach Bonacquisti