2022-2023 COVID Guidelines

2022 – 2023 Guidelines Related to COVID-19

All guidelines are based on August 11, 2022 CDC guidance and NY State and Columbia County Department of Health Guidance Documents. As we enter a new phase of the pandemic guidance has been updated to give school districts more flexibility heading into the 22-23 school year. Here in New Lebanon our main goal is to maintain the safety and wellness of our students, faculty, staff, and community. Thank you for your continued support. Guidelines may change based on CDC, NY State, and county guidance.


Students, faculty, and staff will not be required to quarantine if exposed to someone who tested positive for COVID-19. The CDC Recommends that anyone exposed wear a mask for 10 days in public and test on day 5 or sooner if symptoms develop (This is a recommendation but not a requirement)


Students and staff with symptoms of respiratory or gastrointestinal infections, such as cough, fever, sore throat, vomiting or diarrhea should be sent home or directed to stay home. If the person is at school, the individual should wear a well-fitted mask while arrangements are made to go home even if they have not yet had a test.

A person with symptoms will be required to show proof of a negative COVID test or complete a 5 day isolation protocol before returning to school. A lab or home test is accepted. Contact your school nurse to utilize one of the district’s COVID tests.

If a Student or Staff Member Tests Positive:
Students and staff who test positive for COVID-19 must isolate for 5 days at home. For those with symptoms Day 1 is the first full day after symptom onset (Day 0 is the day of symptom onset). For those that had no symptoms Day 0 is the day they were tested (not the day you received your positive test result) and Day 1 is the first full day following the day they were tested—if someone develops symptoms within the 10 days of testing the clock restarts at day 0 on the day of symptom onset.

Those with symptoms may resume attending school after the 5 days if:
• They are fever free without fever reducing medicine for 24 hours and
their symptoms are improving; and
• They wear a mask through day 10 (day 1 is the first full day following the
day they received positive test results regardless of symptom onset).

Note: After having ended isolation, if COVID-19 symptoms recur or worsen, restart isolation at day 0. Day 0 of isolation is the day of symptom onset. Staff and student’s parents/guardians should be advised to talk to a healthcare provider about their symptoms or when to end isolation.

COVID Testing:

The New Lebanon Central School District will have access to COVID Molecular Testing using an Abbott – ID Now COVID-19 Testing Machine. We will also have access to rapid COVID testing. No students will be tested unless parent or guardian permission is given. Testing may be recommended but never mandated (as written above – students or adults with COVID-19 symptoms will have to either test or complete isolation protocols). Please reach out to your child’s school nurse for questions on testing. Look for an electronic consent for testing by email soon.

When can testing be utilized in our schools?
• Exhibit symptoms of COVID-19; and/or
• When they were exposed to someone with COVID-19
(The district must have written consent to test)

Schools may also refer symptomatic students and staff to a community testing site, healthcare provider, or to use an at-home test. There are no athletic or employee testing mandates at this time


No universal masking in school is required at this time. Individuals returning to school after completing 5 days of isolation must wear a mask in school and in indoor public spaces on days 6-10.
Recommendations to wear a mask may be made when COVID-19 community levels are high or if there is a significantly high outbreak in a classroom or in the school. Masks are recommended in school health offices.

Physical Distancing:

Physical distancing is no longer required. The schools will continue to do their best to provide some distancing during high risk activities (band, choir, assemblies, indoor athletics)
If there are community COVID outbreaks large gatherings may be postponed or re-examined for the safety of our students

COVID-19 Vaccines:

The COVID-19 vaccine is not mandated in New York State for school attendance.
New Lebanon CSD has no vaccination mandates for extracurricular activities

All individuals 6 months of age and older are eligible and encouraged to receive
the COVID-19 vaccine. Additional information regarding the COVID-19 vaccine can be found at https://covid19vaccine.health.ny.gov/.

Contact Tracing:

When a close contact tests positive for COVID-19, the school nurse or an office staff member will notify families or staff by email to let them know that a close contact recently tested positive for COVID 19. The close contact will be reminded to watch for COVID 19 like symptoms and COVID testing will be recommended on day 5 of the exposure.

Reporting Positive COVID-19 Cases:

School districts are no longer required to report positive cases to the NYS Department of Health

Families and faculty/staff will only be notified of positive cases if their child or a student they are working with is a close contact. We will no longer communicate positive cases to the entire school district community.

If our school or our district is seeing an outbreak of cases or any indication of spread in our schools, families and faculty/staff will be notified through email.

COVID Resources

NL Contact Tracing Procedures and Process
COVID Testing Consent Form
CDC Guidelines
NYS Department of Education Information
Frequently Asked Questions