BNL Varsity and Modified Cross Country Meet Coach Recap 9/28

BNL Varsity and Modified Cross Country Meet at Moreau Lake State Park against Waldorf and Mechanicville 9/28

The first race was Modified! The modified boys ran a 1.4 mile course. Lance Shroder ran his heart out coming into first place overall with a 8:49 time! He crushed his PR and placed first overall in a race for the first time last night. Not too far behind him was Richard Bachner coming in with a 9:58. All of our modified boys are continuing to learn the fundamentals of XC running as well as racing. They are continuing to run further and faster every day. We are seeing some incredible potential! Way to go boys!

The next race was the Boy’s Varsity race. The boys ran the same course but twice making their course 2.8 miles. This race was so incredibly intense for the last straight away. Coming in FAST and in first place was Gabe Kalisz with a 16:04. Along with Matthew Kluck just 3 seconds after. Special shout out to Eben Donohue who raced his way into the finish line neck-in-neck with a Mechanicville runner.

The girl’s Varsity race was staggered a few seconds after the boys. Our middle of the pack runners impressed the coaches so much last night! Ava Noel came in 5th place with a 19:25. Sam Rokjer was looking as strong as ever coming into the finish line in 10th place with a 22:41. Not to mention, after recovering from an injury Elaine Savaria raced into the finish line with a 22:20. We had incredible accomplishments from all of our XC girls last night. Everyone did so well and the coaches are so proud of them all!

I’m sure we will have many many more accomplishments to come,

-Coach Kelly

photos by Doug Hills (archived from the Blackbird Invitational 9/13)