
WBH Students Collect Items to Benefit Troops

WBH Students did a collection for our military heroes.  Working with the Blue Star Mothers of America NY2 to collect items that benefit the troops.  Items collected included beef jerky, salty snacks, mac n cheese, gum, life savers, deodorant, lotion, shampoo, playing cards, lip balm and soap.   Donna Vickery, 1st Vice President, of the Blue… Read more »

New Lebanon CSD Adds Three-Hour Delay Option

As of March 2, the New Lebanon Central School District has used up four out of five of its snow days, as permitted by the New York State Department of Education. If warranted based on weather and road conditions, the district could implement a three-hour delay.  Read more »

Letter from School Nurses

New Lebanon CSD has had some confirmed cases of the flu. Please take a moment to read over this letter from our school nurses. If your child is sick, please keep them home to help stop the spread of the flu and colds at school.

New Lebanon Community Swim

New Lebanon Continuing Education is offering Community Swim on Tuesdays or Thursdays beginning February 7. The community can swim at the Shatford Pool at New Lebanon High School from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. The cost is $3/person or $8/family of four. For more information please contact Michelle Bienes or Lisa Kreutziger. See the community swim… Read more »

WBH January Principal’s Update

WBH January Principal’s Update:                                                                                                                                  January 27,2017         Dear Families, I hope you and your family are having a fantastic January.  Our children at WBH have been extremely busy this month.  I am very proud of our students and our school community.  Our children have been working very hard to be Respectful, Responsible, and Safe citizens… Read more »

Registration Open for Kindergarten & Pre-K

2017-18 KDG. REGISTRATION The New Lebanon Central School District has begun the process of registering students for the 2017-18 Kindergarten class.  Students need to be legal residents of the School District and reside with parents or guardians within the School District at the time of the opening day of school and must be five (5)… Read more »

Two Cases of Strep Throat Reported at WBH Elementary

There have been two reported cases of strep throat at Walter B. Howard Elementary School. Please keep your child home if they complain of a sore throat or have a fever. In some cases children may not have symptoms. Common symptoms of strep throat include: • Severe and sudden sore throat without coughing, sneezing, or… Read more »