A Letter from Principal Klafehn to Jr./Sr. High School Families

Fall 2023

Dear New Lebanon Junior/Senior High School Families,

Throughout our nation, we are continuing to see a rise in chronic absenteeism among school aged children. Unfortunately, New Lebanon is no exception; unexcused absences have reached an all-time high.

Research shows that students who consistently miss school are at risk of lower academic achievement, potential failure, and even dropping out of school altogether. It is our hope that by raising awareness to the issue, we might work to improve overall attendance and academic performance in our school. The New York State Education Department classifies a student as being “chronically absent” when they miss 10 percent of school days.  At New Lebanon, students are considered chronically absent when they miss 18 school days a year for any reason (approximately 10% of our 181 school day calendar). This equates to approximately 2 days of absence per month.

What Can Families of Secondary Students Do To Help?

  • Do not permit your child to miss school unless they are truly sick. Use a thermometer to check for a fever. Remember that stomach aches and headaches may be signs of anxiety.
  • If your child seems anxious about going to school, talk to teachers, school counselors, or other parents for advice on how to make him/her feel comfortable and excited about learning.
  • Avoid scheduling vacations when school is in session. They are considered unexcused absences.
  • Establish regular routines for bedtime and the morning.
  • Discuss the importance of regular attendance with your child, and how they feel about school.
  • Avoid scheduling medical appointments when school is in session.
  • Develop back up plans for getting to school if something comes up. Ask a family member, neighbor or another parent for help.
  • Seek support from school staff. Our staff is here to help and support your child’s well-being.

As always, please feel free to reach out to me to discuss your child’s attendance practices or strategies to improve overall attendance in our school community. Our school nurse is also available to address any questions you may have regarding your child’s absence due to illness. Ultimately, our goal is to have every student present whenever they are well enough to attend. Thank you for your partnership and support.


Matthew R. Klafehn, Principal