Jr/Sr High School tech classes test their designs


(March 24, 2015) This week and last, New Lebanon Jr/Sr High School students in Rick Jason’s various technology and engineering classes had the opportunity to participate in hands-on experiments to test their knowledge. One class created structures that could hold a surprising amount of weight. Another class designed and produced aerodynamic dragster cars to compete against their friends.

New Lebanon High School students in Mr. Jason’s Principals of Engineering Class participated in a “Tower Challenge” as part of their structural engineering unit. Students worked in teams to design the lightest weight tower that could proportionately hold the most amount of weight.

Students created towers using light-weight Balsa wood. They then tested their designs by adding weights, all the while they would record the weight and deflection.

One properly designed structure weighed 35 grams, but held 75.2 pounds.

“This is a true case of engineering,” said Jason.

Seventh grade students in Mr. Jason’s Technology class participated in the “7th Grade Dragster Showdown.” As part of the Transportation Systems unit, students had to design an aerodynamic, small wooden car to race against their classmates.

The design takes into consideration a number of variables including thrust, lift, gravity and down force.

Students used the design and wood working process to create vehicles with the least amount of turbulence. They even made their own wheels using a polypropylene.